About the scholarship
Read important information regarding the scholarship here. After reading the provided information download the application form from the link in the main menu.
For applicants up to age 29
A new application has to be done every year
The application form is sent digitally and stored in our database
The scholarship has to be used within 12 months after granted date
The application period runs from 15 April to 15 September 2025
The purpose of the Swedish – Spanish Foundation is to promote education and studies. You can apply for this scholarship if you are a Spanish university student seeking studies in Sweden or a Swedish university student seeking studies in Spain. Applicants must be Swedish or Spanish citizens, enrolled in university studies, and not older than 29 years of age. To apply, you need to fill out and send in the form that is linked via the main menu on our website. Scholarships are not granted for language majors or internships. Grants are not given retroactively. Incomplete forms will be disregarded.
Rules and regulations part 1

The awarded scholarship must be used within twelve months of the date it was granted. Should the scholarship holder not have the possibility to do so, the right to use the scholarship can be withdrawn.
If awarded, the scholarship holder, at time of application, has bound themself to make use of the scholarship with certain specified purpose. Should, however, any circumstances occur giving valid reasons for modifying these plans, the consent of the Foundation is required. An admission certificate from the educational institution must be enclosed.
It is presumed, that, whether Swedish or Spanish speaking has elementary knowledge of Spanish or Swedish respectively.
The scholarship holder is obliged to submit a report on their studies within three months after the scholarship period has ended. The report shall include: information on times of travel and return, particulars of visits and courses, with whom the scholarship holder has collaborated or met, as well as a short summary giving an account of the work and other information of interest. Transcripts are not valid.
Please note! The application for the scholarship is done for one year at a time
Rules and regulations part 2

Should unforeseen circumstances occur, over which the scholarship holder has no control and which force them to discontinue the previously arranged plans, the right is given, if abroad, to immediately return to the native country and for this purpose finance the travel costs home from the scholarship fund. In this case, the scholarship holder must account for and repay unused funds. Any claim for reimbursement over and above the scholarship can not be made.
The Foundation can not be held responsible for any injury which the scholarship holder may personally be subjected to or inflict upon a third person during the scholarship period. Neither can the scholarship holder claim additional aid, if it should happen that the scholarship does not cover the calculated expenses. Nor can they make any valid claim against the Foundation to pay a journey home or therewith comparable expenses, in case the money has been used sooner than estimated, has been stolen, or in any other way lost.
The scholarship holder is obliged to conduct himself as a good representative of their country. If serious objections against the scholarship holder’s conduct or way of living should come to the Foundation’s knowledge and if the scholarship holder does not make use of the scholarship in accordance with the stated purpose, the Foundation can demand the scholarship to be refunded. All applicants will be informed of the scholarship result by mail.
Contact us
Have you read the section with rules and regulations but still have a question?
The Swedish-Spanish Foundation
Grev Turegatan 14
SE-114 46 Stockholm
Monica: monica.trollsas@svespa.se
Ulla: ulla.wilert@svespa.se
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